Monday, January 24, 2011

anyone hiring?

So apparently, I stink at my job. My outgoing boss just informed me that he has been getting feedback on my work performance, and my 'teammates' have issues with to me since NO ONE comes to me about anything!!! Come talk to me people!!! I can't fix it if I don't know that it's broke!!!! Apparently I am not a good team player and I am not doing enough 'good stuff' at tired of this crap.

Anyone hiring? Oh, never mind...who'd hire me? I stink at my job.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

blah blah bleck

So we have been battling illness up the wazoo.....First began in December when the boy acquired cellulitus OF THE FACE!!! We were hospitalized, yes, we. I was not about to let him stay in the hospital by himself, so I admitted myself He was taken great care of, and almost a week later we were out! Christmas break came about a week later, and the boy had so much school work to catch up on! AND we found out from an MRI the hospital performed, the boy has a very mild, old brain injury in his left frontal lobe!!! HUH? but, then again, AHA! Things begin to make sense....lack of the ability to organize and memory issues may not be the result of being 11, or a boy....just might be the brain injury....So, apparently, God knew just who to give this little boy to. So, now I need to gather all my resources and figure out a game plan for the boy.

Then, I get strep and a sinus infection...down for almost a week-fevers, chills, no appetite (bonus!)...I finally get better and the boy comes down with swollen golfball sized, flesh colored orbs in the back of his throat!!! Poor kid has been through the wringer!!! Fevers, vomiting, antibiotics not working! What do we do? Doc says, "Gargle". Hmmmmm, must be a new medical term that I am not familiar with, so we gargle...still waiting for the orbs to shrink.

So, barring no further health interruptions, I'd like to start the new year, if you don't mind......

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


2nd day in a row I did not stop at Tim Horton's....this would soooooo have been the morning to do that...but I brought some stuff to work and made me a smoothie....1 small victory for Annie!

Monday, January 3, 2011


JANUARY 3, 2011---Let's begin again.....I ate real oatmeal today, and didn't really like it....added some pureed pumpkin, a little pumpkin pie spice and some equal, but didn't really like it...have to master this recipe so I DO like it....just bought a big container of oatmeal and a huge can of pumpkin puree 'cuz there weren't any little, I will become the great pumpkin, Charlie Brown....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Coulda been me.....

So, I watched the finale of The Biggest Loser last night. I auditioned for that season last August. I didn't put any real effort into the video or anything, but I did stand in line for about 5 hours one warm Saturday morning. I coulda met all the constestants. I coulda had all the adventures. I coulda learned and trained with Bob and/or Jillian. I coulda won cash. I coulda gotten endorsements. I coulda lost a-lotta weight.

The contestants were on the 'program' for 6 months. I couldn't have been away from my family for that long, and they couldn't have been away from me either, especially with the adoption looming over our heads.

So, getting down to business, how much weight have I lost in the past 6 months, with some of the contestants losing anywhere from 45-200 lbs?

Drum roll.........please.......


How many classes did I take from Pete Thomas to learn how to lose weight?
How many cookbooks have I purchased, or perused to find healthy, low cal meals?
How often did I go to the gym in 2009 ALONE?
less than 10 times
How happy am I that I haven't lost weight?

I kick myself in the rump because I have the tools, but I don't have the motivation. I say this over and over and over and over again.....
So why can't I fix it? Why can't it be fixed?
What is holding me back?
Could it be that I'm afraid of failure? Sure, I've said that before. Could it be that I'm afraid of success? Sure, said that too....Why do I have to be afraid? What am I really scared of?

I had planned to get up early (which I've been doing anyway) and getting on my Wii Fit. But I let the excuse of the dog 'disturbing my family's sleep' hinder me from getting out of bed and onto that little white board. I told myself this morning, that I'll do it after work. Which would be a good time, because I don't have to worry about getting dinner together, it's my night off for that.

So, that takes care of today. What about tomorrow?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Wondering why I blog when no one reads it. Wondering why I complain about no one reading it, when I don't really want anyone reading it because it embarasses me. Heck, I can't even be straight with my husband about things I'm thinking, and he's seen me naked!

I have trust issues. I don't trust anyone. Especially me, myself and I. That attitude really affects my relationship with Christ. I feel guilty that I don't have as close of a relationship as I should with him...yep...I'm a louse. I don't trust my Lord Jesus Christ.

Seeing it out there is kinda scary. Jesus gave his LIFE for me, and I don't trust Him? Maybe I just don't trust myself with the decisions He makes for me and for my life. When you are saved and born again, you lose yourself to Him. I've never been one to let someone just take over...when it needs to be done, I usually just do it myself because at least I know it will be done the way I want it....

So, I'm guessing I need to work on this trust issue thing. It paralyzes me. I get stuck, and I don't (want to) get out. Then I get upset that I haven't gotten anywhere....So, it begins with me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can trust Christ-He strenghtens me. I can...huh...that's a's hard to find negative things in the bible (minus the 10 commandments)...

Postive, uplifting........

Saturday, February 7, 2009


It's been almost a month since I've blogged. Nothing much has changed. I'm battling my head or what's inside it that's prohibiting me from sticking to anything that guarantees success for me. It's not that hard to plan meals to know what the calories are, it's not that hard to plan times to exercise, it's not that hard to keep a house clean, to be a wife, to be a mom, to be a full time employee----THEN WHY DO I MAKE IT THAT WAY?

I refuse to go the easy route and start taking pills....1) why spend money on something that may or may not work, when I have all the resources I need to be healthy? 2) If it doesn't work, I'm back to square one, and more broke than I am now 3) is it really the easy route and is it really healthy?

Do I need to say "no" to some things in my life? AM I spending too much time on the computer, or reading, or watching TV? Probably. Do I care right now? No...WHY?

I have a time limit!!!! I have to be thinner before the play starts because I'm going to be standing up in front of ALL the audience in my costume, waving my arms around, and I'm gonna look like a big green LIME!!!! I don't want that!!!! I don't want to waste this year....MONTH #1 IS ALREADY GONE!!!! It's month #2!!! --and I am no where near where I want to be!!!

I have this OCD thingie with starting things at the beginning, like, it's the 7th today-I have this thing in my head that I can't start counting down or whatever because it's not the 1st! I am so weird...I need to get rid of these idiotic, crazy, nonsensical, time wasting, ego deflating, energy useruping ideals in my head and just GET DOWN TO BUSINESS.....and all the while I'm writing this, I'm dying to go to my stove and whip up a batch of pancakes.....oy vay....